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Rules for Safety in Woodworking

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

Sharp tools and power tools are not forgiving but they are SO MUCH FUN! While woodworking can be dangerous we stress safety of oneself and others at Sawdust Occupational Therapy. We strive to create a space that is safe, fun and engaging for everyone. By following some basic safety rules everyone can reduce their risk of injury substantially. These rules are implemented every time- no exceptions. By doing this we teach routine and a routine becomes habit. By creating a habit we

1. Always Wear Safety Equipment

-While this seems like a common sense rule its always important to reiterate it. Hearing, eye/hand protection are paramount to a safe working environment. In some instances stain, pain, varnish or vapors will be used- face masks and respirators will provided and worn.

2. Wear The Right Clothes -Try to wear clothes that are not baggy, loose or hanging off. Jewelry, such as: metal chains, bracelets, rings should be removed before working with tools. We don't want anything grabbed that shouldn't be grabbed!

3. Avoid Using Anything That Can Impair Your Reaction Time and Judgement

-While trained therapists and woodworkers will be cutting the majority of the pieces at some time, if the application calls for it, your woodworker might cut a piece of wood him/herself. We will take all caution to ensure that safety is adhered to and that your woodworker is safe and having fun.

4. Power Tool -At Sawdust Occupational Therapy in some instances power tools will be used. Rest assured these will be used in close proximity to a highly trained Occupational Therapist and woodworker. Power tools are an amazing and fun experience to behold, just as with anything else in life you need to respect the tools that make our life easier.

5. Check Your Materials -The great thing about Sawdust Occupational Therapy is that we try to reuse items. Whether this be for a rustic art piece, picture frame or something made from pallet wood we enjoy reusing materials so that we are more environmentally friendly. This being said, some items may have nails, staples and other objects in them. We will teach your young woodworker how to spot and remove these items safely and discard them accordingly.

6. Never Over Reach -If it is out of your immediate reach, walk around to get it or ask one of the trained staff to assist with obtaining a tool, material or even your water. We want to make sure no one tips or hits something that can hurt themselves or others. 10. Minimize Distractions When dealing with distractions, ensure that you finish what you were doing before turning your attention elsewhere. Our Occupational Therapists will hold both group and individual sessions. These sessions will have stepy by step instructions and we will go through them one at a time to ensure that both your young woodworker and the staff are all on the same task and same page.

Now that we have covered some of the basics what kind of designs would you like to see or work on? Email us or follow us on Facebook/Instagram and message us to let us know!

Facebook: Sawdust Occupational Therapy

Instagram: Sawdust OT LLC

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